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Dental Tools in Pocket


An Insight Into Our Wide Range of Services


Only the Best

Teeth whitening is a process of lightening the shade of your teeth. Genetics, certain foods, and habits such as smoking can all detract from the bright white color that is key to a classic, beautiful smile. Our dentists can create custom take-home whitening kits that, when used daily for about two weeks, can lighten the tone of your teeth by several shades. It usually requires two visits: during the first, molds are taken of your teeth; during the second, you will receive your custom mouthpiece, whitening agent, and special instructions for receiving the best possible results from your treatment.


Outstanding Quality

Same-day dental crowns and bridges are an amazing new advancement, and represent a modern interpretation of a classic treatment for damaged or missing teeth. Thanks to CEREC technology, a brief laser scan of your teeth can be transmitted to a computerized milling machine, which will create custom replacement teeth and dental prosthetics from single blocks of ceramic within the span of about an hour. Suddenly, a process that once required two visits to complete now requires only one. Our dentists select a color of ceramic to closely match your existing teeth, giving you a natural-looking solution with minimal hassle. This process requires no molds, no temporary crowns or bridges, and just a single dose of anesthesia. At One Magnificent Smile, you can begin enjoying the benefits of a complete, balanced new smile in less time than it takes to watch a movie!


Truly Top-Notch

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells made to fit over the front surface of your teeth, creating the appearance of a naturally symmetrical, white, beautiful smile. If your teeth are crooked, misshapen, severely discolored, too small or large, chipped, worn, or unevenly spaced, veneers can cover these imperfections, giving your smile a pristine, yet natural outward appearance. Placing veneers once required two visits, but by using the same incredible CEREC technology we use to produce our crowns and bridges, you can leave our office with a stunning new smile in a single visit to our cosmetic dentistry practice in Oak Park.


Your Best Smile

Each smile is different and every patient’s aesthetic goals are equally unique. We provide customized cosmetic treatment in the form of a smile makeover. A smile makeover offers a comprehensive approach to improving the appearance of your smile, and can combine any number of procedures and treatments. Treatment can be phased to accommodate budgetary constrictions, or combined during a single visit to offer striking results in little time.


Always Be Your Best

Whether your teeth have shifted years after wearing braces or you’ve never been satisfied with the appearance of your smile, it’s never too late to straighten your teeth. Advancements in cosmetic dentistry mean the process is more discreet, more comfortable, and quicker than ever before. Our practice offers Invisalign®, a technology that repositions teeth using a set of clear, removable plastic aligners. A focus on minor tooth movement means some patients can achieve desired results in as little as six months.

Cosmetic: Features
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